Welcome! This website is an effort to display some of the aspects of the project without disclosing the gory details. Hopefully you come away understanding the game a little more, and hopefully liking it a little more too. Enjoy!

There's a lot of work to be done still, but with perseverance, we'll make it there eventually.

If you are interested in the joining the project, please email me at kade67[at]gmail.com!



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What's So Special?

Basically, what we're trying to do with the game is to reinvent the 2D action platformer by adding elements of other "mainstream" game types, like FPS, RPG and rhythm games. This takes the best from everything we know and puts it together in a combination that's inventive and refreshing all at the same time.


The game takes place in the Sengoku Era of Japan. The game's five levels take the player through a multitude of scenery and innovative platforming elements that take from both traditional side-scrolling games, as well as modern third-person shooters.


By using a unique combination of elements found in many types of games, combat in Final Dawn remains inventive, fun and original. Some of these elements include mouse gestures, rhythm elements and directional movements to attack, block, parry and throw.

Artistic Style

Stylistically, the team wants the game to exhibit and unique perspective separate from traditional takes on Samurai culture. Final Dawn will attack Samurai tradition with gritty visuals, and creative filters, while alluding to the crucial intricacies of Sengoku Japanese culture. The scoring of the game remains grounded in Japanese culture, but explores more traditionally Western instruments as well.

What Else?

There will be character development, weapon upgrades, friendly A.I. and multiple ways to finish through a level.

The Team

Team Leader/Programmer/Lead Designer:

Gnoll Man

Concept Artists:


GUI Artist:

Level Design:



Training Arena Level